Tips for Living Your Best Life in 2021! So you can confidently say 2021 Here I Come! I am not only sharing with everyone else, but I'm going to hold myself to, and here they are... 1. Articulate your dreams & goals. 2. Activate your S.M.A.R T E.R. plans. 3. Always be moving forward towards Achievement of them. 4. Do those 3 things with Curiosity, Courage, and Consistency. 5. Learn how to put yourself first (Health this includes Physical, Mental/Spiritual, and Financial not only means income but, ALSO to Pay Yourself First means retirement fund, emergency fund, vacation fund) 6. Don't take on any more than 3 Goals to try to achieve at any one time. 7. Live your life experiencing something that brings you joy daily. 8. Focus for a few moments daily on the things that you are grateful for. 9. Live life in the present and enjoy it as the Present that it is! Don't get lost in the busyness. Enjoy your famil...